Clint Blaney: Chairman
Clint blaney has been a resident of Morgan Township for 38 plus years and is a Graduate at Penn State University. Greene County Coal Miner for 12 plus years and also a teacher for 22 years. 50 years experience being a builder, contractor, equipment operator and a member of Waynseburg Sportsmen club. Also with the NRA as a certified handgun Instructor and a member of the First Church of the Nazarene for 30 years.

Greg Hopkins: Vice-Chairman
Greg Hopkins was born and raised in Nineveh, Pennsylvania. The sixth generation Greene County native graduated from Slippery Rock University in 1994. Greg played 11 years in the Arena Football League and was inducted into the AFL Hall of Fame. “Team Hopkins” ran for Pennsylvania State Representative in 2006 & 2008 and remains active in the Greene County Republican Party.
Betsy McClure: Republican State Committee Representative
Betsy McClure took the oath of office also serving currently as a Greene County Commissioner on Monday, January 6, 2020, beginning a term of office dedicated to advancing the interests of all citizens of Greene County. She believes in an open door policy, and encourages Greene County citizens to attend County meetings and become a positive part of our government.

Donna Whipkey: Treasurer

Mark Starastanko: Secretary
Our Committee is made up of precinct committee men and women from each township, borough or area in Greene County PA. To learn more about how to become involved or become a part of the precinct committee, see more information below. Please inquire with the Republican Committee for more information and if a position is available for your area.
What is a Precinct Committeeman?
A city, town, or county is divided into precincts, each consisting of a voting place. When a person casts their vote in person, they go to their local precinct to cast their vote.
Each precinct has 2 GOP precinct committee members. The precinct committee member represents the GOP in that precinct. The position of Precinct Committeeman is either elected or appointed. A precinct committeeman is the grassroots of the Republican Party. It is also a good place to start for people interested in running for political office.
Responsibilities of a Precinct Committeeman
Get Out The Vote (GOTV)
Distribute Campaign Literature
Attend Committee Meetings
Assist in Voter Registration
Help Elect Republican Candidates
Provide Voter Education
How to Become a Precinct Committeeman
A precinct committeeman is an elected position. You must be a valid registered Republican in the precinct to be elected. If you are applying when an upcoming election is not scheduled, you may be appointed to the position.